Around us
Ninfa Garden
Ninfa was declared natural monument by 1976 Regional Law; it lies on the territories of Cisterna di Latina and Sermoneta.
It is a medieval town whose several suggestive rememberings still exist, such as a part of the castle, the walls, the town-hall now fully restored and the ruins of churches and other buildings.
But Ninfa is above all a wonderful naturalistic oasis, it is unique in the world as it was created where there was a marsh.
Ninfa was destroyed several times till 1920, when the Caetani family decided to renew the town. But nowdays the naturalistic oasis is so wide because Lelia Caetani, the last descendant of Caetani family let the project of the actual garden to complete.
Here the atmosphere is like a magic place, where plans and flowers coming from everywhere in the world can live together. Everything is like a sovranatural plan and the river Ninfa, the lake, the particular fauna,the streams, are a part of this beauty.
Circeo National Park
It was built in 1934 by the forestal administration during Benito Mussolini's period, in order to take care of the last remains of Pontine marshes which had been reclaimed in those years. It is the only National italian and European park which is completely extended in a plane and in a marine habitat.
The Circeo National Park is a "reserve of biosphere" of UNESCO and it was a candidate to become "property place of mankind".
It's possible to walk along the park roads by foot or by bike always following the existing several signs.
Inside the Circeo National Park there are lots of tours and it is possible to enjoy every natural aspect.
The origin of the name Sonnino comes from the ancient word SOMMUM whose meaning is “top”.
It indicates that the village was built on the mountain top. The first document indicating Sonnino is a papal bolla of 999.
At the beginning it wasn't a real village but only an aparted and inaccessible place where men and beasts could have refugee to defend themselves in case of attack.
The ancient medieval castle with its cilindric tower lies on Sant'Angelo Mountain and was built by De Sompenino family in the IX century. They took their name from the castle and where the first barons of Sonnino. Then in 1496 the Caetani of Aragona lived there; other noble families lived there, such as Colonna, Borgia, Corafo, Antonelli and Talani (these last ones closed the castle).
The history of Fossanova dates back to the Roman Empire.
Nowdays you can see some ruins of an ancient Roman villa, which was taken by Benedettini monks to build the first romanic structure in 529.
This structure in St.Stephen's honour, was made wider by Cistercensi monks who had been living there since 1135.
They changed it into a great center of spiritual and administrative interest, with a cultural and artistic aim, too.
Innocenzo III and Tommaso D'Aquino had been important guests and enriched the greatness
of Fossanova.
Nowdays the abbey is given to minor conventual friars, who have been lived there since 1932.
They have fast immediately given hospitality to a college for seminarists, turning the role of the abbey into a spiritual and intellectual point for several years.
In 1950 with the parish intitution, the friars became pastors.
In 1974 for the seven centennial celebration of St. Tommaso d'Aquino's death, Pope Paolo VI visited Fossanova and thousands of people went from every part around to the small village.
Circeo Mountain and Temple of Giove
The Temple of Giove Anxur built on Sant'Angelo Mountain above the town of Terracina, belongs to a series of Lazio's Sanctuaries which had been restored during the late Republican period, between the end of the II century and the beginning of the I one B.C.
Probably in that place there was a more ancient cult dating back to the I century B.C.; today there is a group of buildings belonging to next ages and testifying both the long existence and its military and religious service.
After the Roman Empire fall, the pagan sanctuary fell and then it was built again as the seat of a Christian cult in the middle age, then the area was abandoned at the end of the 500's and it was completely forgotten.
During last times we didn't really know about the great ruins, of which you can see a part from the sea and from the town, and which are traditionally called as the Castle or the Palace of Teodorico – referring to the King's stay in that area.
Pontine Islands
The Pontine Islands are situated on the District of Latina and are a part of ancient volcanos. There is a distance of fast 20 miles between the two groups of islands. The North-western group is composed of Ponza Island and the little isles Palmarola, Gavi and Zannone.
The Southern Eastern group is formed by Ventotene e Santo Stefano.
In 312 B.C. During the Sannitic wars, the Romans established in Ponza a Latin colony for their strategic and position aims.
Later, during the Empire age, several villas ere built there and utilized for the exile of important personages; some ruins of them can be seen in Santa Maria.
The underground gallery of the Augustan age between Santa Maria and Chiaia di Luna is very famous, and it is fast 170 mt.long.
This gallery, in some spaces, is still covered by a regular Roman grid, in order to join the eastern landing with the western one, in case of rough sea.
In next years, except in times of short occupations, the isle was administrated by Gaeta, by the monks of Fossanova Abbey, by the Church and finally by different Neapolitan Monarchs.
It is one of the town founded during the Fascist period and it was built in 1934.
Sabaudia is one of the symbolic town of the architectural iItalian rationalism, differing from the most of these new urban structures, inspired by Marcello Piacentini's architectural simplified neoclassicism.
The town is located in the heart of the Agro Pontino, a plane territory which is characterised by the sand-dune coast, the woodland areas (once a part of "Terracina forest"), some sheltered damp areas and four coasting lakes: Sabaudia (or Paola) Lake, Monks Lake, Caprolace Lake and Fogliano Lake.
Here there is also the promontory of Circeo, where since 1934 the Circeo National Park had been established.
The town is situated on the southern part of the Pontina's land on the mouth of the river Amaseno, on the Tirrenic coast (Gulf of Gaeta); it envelops from Saint' Angelo Mount, where the historical centre lies, down to Circe sea-front.
Pisco Montano Stone marks the southern border of the town centre; on the south there is the Fondi plane; from north, urbanization goes down towards the open country and the rural villages.
The oldest findings in that area are prehistoric materials found out in the Chain Cavern at Pisco Montano.
According to a legend reported by Dionigi of Alicarnasso, the town would have been founded by Sparta fugitives.
In the mythological tales it was identified with the Lestrigoni' homeland or Maga Circe's dwelling (Odissey).
First the town was probably an Ausonic centre, placed on 2 small rises under Saint'Angelo Mountain: on the highest one, there was the Acropoli.
The town took the name of Tarracina, and according to some historicians, it was inspired by the Etruscan name Tarchna, from which the name of the Roman Kings Tarquinio Prisco and Tarquinio il Superbo had derived.
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The dwelling is situated in Via Carbonara, 51 in the town of Morgazzano,in the commune of Sonnino in the District of Latina.
We exactly are 46 km far from Latina, 45 from Frosinone, 105 from Rome, 165 from Naples.
To reach us set off your GPS system on the following coordinates:
41.419196050449955, 13.208304941654205